Sunday Soaking: God’s Glory – A Consuming Fire

“To the Israelites the glory of the LORD
looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.”
Exodus 24:17

The glory of the Lord was revealed in the Old Testament with a striking visual. The power of a consuming fire drew the eyes of all. God used the time in the desert to reveal Himself to His people: 

“While Aaron was speaking to the whole Israelite community they looked toward the desert,
and there was the glory of the LORD appearing in the cloud.”
Exodus 16:10

Our God is a relational God: He reveals Himself to us, and He wants to be known. As God’s people stood in the desert that day, they stood as those freed from bondage. God had brought them out of Egypt. As they heard God’s man speak to them, God Himself allowed them a glimpse of His glory. All were drawn to look upon it.

How did they respond? Worship? Fall prostrate? Cry? Shout? Dance? Sing? 

God’s revelation to His people then should also stir our hearts to wonder, to contemplate, and to worship all these years later. We live this side of the Cross … in the in-between time of waiting for His second coming.  

Following the first coming of Jesus, the manifestation of God’s glory became personal and individual. After His death, burial, and resurrection, His glory came down. Just as in the Old Testament, it came in a stunning display of power. All the senses were engaged. Acts 2:2-3 describes His coming as sounding “like the blowing of a violent wind.” The power was so great it “filled the whole house.” Those present saw “tongues of fire.”  

God’s glory was seen, heard, and felt on that day of Pentecost and the result was evident: 

“All of them were filed with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit enabled them.”
Acts 2:4

God’s glory came near. It came to rest and abide in each believer. 

When God’s glory comes: 

  • It is seen.
  • It is powerful.
  • It consumes and fills.
  • It elicits a response.
  • It empowers and equips.

In Old Testament times, the glory of God came and departed. But this side of the cross, the glory of God comes to dwell in the heart of every believer. How blessed we are! What an amazing time to be alive—truly alive! Alive in Christ! God’s Spirit takes up residence in us … and His presence equips us to do what we are powerless to do on our own. 

In Acts 2, believers were enabled to speak in tongues so that others present could hear the truth in their language. It wasn’t just about speaking in tongues; there was a purpose to this gift. It was given to simultaneously bring glory to God and bless others.  

Every gift that comes down to us from above does the same: it brings glory to God, and is used to bless others.  

Instead of speaking in a language they didn’t know, the believers could just as easily been equipped to build furniture, create a cooking vessel, dig a well, tame a donkey, paint a masterpiece, invent a bicycle, or bake bread. The power of God enabled believers then—and enables us now—to do what we could never do on our own.  

The impossible is even more improbable when we move from the physical to the relational and emotional. Through the power of His presence, you and I can: 

  • Love the unlovable.
  • Speak the truth in love.
  • Forgive…again.
  • Keep praying in faith.
  • Give one more day.
  • Die to ourselves.
  • Refuse to take credit.

God Himself reveals His glory by empowering us with gifts. The focus should not so much be on the gift itself, but on the One who gave it and the blessing to those receiving it. Do we make much of the mailman when he brings the letter with good news? Our joy and thanks go to the sender. As recipients of the gift, we are filled with joy. We would think it strange if the mailman tried to claim the credit for the blessing he delivered.  

We receive gifts from God. We use them for Him. We do so to bring glory to Him … not to ourselves.  

His abiding presence—His glory in our hearts through the person of the Holy Spirit—brings profound change.  

We have peace with God, because we know our sins are forgiven. We have power from God to live for Him. We are so consumed by His abiding presence that our chief aim is to make much of Him and give Him the credit—the glory—for it all. 

It’s not that we are so great … or that we are anything at all. It’s solely about who we are in Him!  

How are you and I enabled to reflect His glory today? How is His fire consuming you? 

Let’s make Psalm 57:5 our prayer for today: 

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;  
let your glory be over all the earth.”

David’s words in Psalm 19:1 still ring true today! All creation speaks a universal language of praise to our mighty and creative God! We hope this week’s devotional video inspires you to join us as we Write the WORD … and to give Glory to God!

Visit our Downloads page today for your copy of the Write the WORD: Glory bookmark.

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Mary Heart / Martha Home: Ten Key Points

Those who subscribe to our email list and regularly view our YouTube videos know there are two free downloads that we

make available every month: our Write the WORD bookmark and our ‘Do It!’ List. What you may not know is that these two are inspired by two first-century women who were not only sisters, but close friends of Jesus: Mary and Martha. We invite you to watch and listen to this week’s Martha Monday video, as Laura shares TEN Mary/Martha truths that we hope will inspire you to embrace the mindset of both Mary and Martha, as you live on this earth with an eye towards heaven.

Visit our Downloads page today for your own copies of our Write the WORD bookmark and S.O.A.P. study pages, our January ‘Do It!’ List, and other free resources.

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Sunday Soaking: Will It Glorify God?

…everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory.
Isaiah 43:7

God created us for Himself, for His glory. It seems fitting, then, that we’ll begin the new year  by focusing on GLORY in our January Write the WORD Bible study.

For many of us, I suspect the word itself seems “churchy” or “religious” … but it is the reason for our being, the purpose for which God created us. I’d like to invite all of us to explore what scripture tells us about “glory” this month, hoping to glean deeper understanding of what it means.  

God’s glory is His intrinsic substance, His truth, magnificence, greatness, and beauty … and when we glorify God, we acknowledge all this in Him. Glorifying God is a choice that engages our thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes. The more we know Him, the better equipped we are to glorify Him. His glory is on display in creation, in His World, and in His Word. As we praise and worship Him in response, we are satisfied and fulfill our purpose.  

The reason Jesus left heaven to come to earth was to glorify God. Having celebrated Christmas a few short days ago, you probably heard the passage read aloud at least once, but most of us can quote from memory the words of Jesus’ birth announcement from the angels, which explicitly stated this: 

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
goodwill toward men!”
Luke 2:13-14

And when Jesus prepared to return to heaven, God’s glory was again mentioned: 

I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work
you gave me to do.
John 17:4

If the life of Jesus on earth was consumed with glorifying God, then surely you and I should do likewise.  

What if the litmus test for each decision we make was this: Will it glorify God?  

As we write the WORD this month, let’s challenge ourselves to consider each day’s actions and thoughts, behaviors, words, and decisions: Did I fulfill my purpose today? Did my life and my choices glorify God? As we write out these 31 verses – chosen from over 300 in the Bible that include the word, “glory” – let’s ask God to bring our hearts and minds into alignment with the purpose for which He created us. I believe as we read, study, and pray these verses during the month of January, each passage from God’s WORD can bring a subtle shift that draws us to Him in ever-increasing worship and praise.  

Today, as we approach a new year filled with many decisions and choices of how we live our lives, I hope you’ll join me in committing to ask that all-important question: Will it glorify God?  

If you find yourself in a philosophical conversation about life, attempting to answer questions like: Why are we here? What’s the purpose of life? Is there a reason for my existence? You can answer: We were made for HIS GLORY.

In this week’s devotional video, Laura introduces our January Write the WORD topic. We invite you to join us as we write, ruminate on, and pray over verses that all include the word GLORY. Our prayer is that this will equip all of us to lean more intentionally into our purpose: to bring glory to God!

Visit our Downloads page today for your copy of our free Write the WORD bookmark and optional S.O.A.P. study pages.

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Sunday Soaking: Us, Too!

“…and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
Genesis 12:3b

God chose Abram. He plucked him up from a pagan place and gave him a new name, a new purpose, and a promise of greatness. Through Abram, God would grow a nation and a people for Himself. Of all the people on earth, Abram was chosen for blessing and honor. Genesis 12:1-3 chronicles the Abrahamic Covenant. It marks the establishment of God’s chosen people and His relationship with the Jewish people.

But it’s not all about them. It was never intended to be all about them.

Note the phrase in verse 3: all peoples on earth. This little phrase captures God’s missional heart, conveying His plan to use His chosen people to reach all people.

God’s unconditional promise to Abraham is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the reason Matthew began his gospel with a genealogy that highlights the two greatest heroes of the Jewish faith, David and Abraham:

This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David,
the son of Abraham.
Matthew 1:1

Matthew’s gospel was intentionally written to present Jesus as the Messiah to the Jewish people. Stressing His lineage to Abraham was key in his evidence. No burying the lead here. Matthew states right up front – Jesus is the Messiah and here’s why!

Yes, Jesus is Jewish. He is the Jewish Messiah. But the blessing extends beyond the Jewish people. God chose Abraham and the Jewish people to be His tool for reaching the world. This was not Plan B – it was His heart and His plan all along. It’s right there in Genesis 12: ALL PEOPLES ON EARTH. Friends, all means all! That includes you and me! We are grafted into the blessing.

The Messiah was for all.

The message of salvation is for all.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is for all.

Luke picked up the threads of Genesis 12 when he wrote in Acts 3:25:

And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant
God made with your fathers.
He said to Abraham,
‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’

There it is again: all peoples on earth.

The promise is for you and me! It’s for us, too! Don’t miss the blessing, my friend … take hold and hold on! God keeps His promise. He is faithful!

Have you accepted the blessing of Jesus?

The Old Testament is filled with prophecy about the Messiah to come. When those dots are all connected, the image that emerges is Jesus. Only He “checks the box” on every single one of the Old Testament prophecies. We invite you to listen to this week’s devotional video as Laura talks geography and taxes – then, we hope you’ll celebrate how God is sovereign over both! Only God could orchestrate events and circumstances to ensure that Jesus of Nazareth was also the Messiah born in Bethlehem!

All of us at Cross My Heart Ministry wish you and your family a blessed and wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the miraculous birth of our Savior!

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Sunday Soaking: Not What You Would Expect

Not What You Would Expect:
Isaac (Not Ishmael), Genesis 17:19
Jacob (not Esau), Genesis 28:14

In a Jewish patriarchal society, the first-born son is typically the expected choice for lineage and inheritance.

But God’s ways are not always our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). God seems to take surprising delight in sometimes doing the unexpected.

Much about the coming of Jesus was unexpected:

  • His lineage is traced through a line that did not always follow the first-born.
  • He was born of a virgin. (How is that possible, one might ask!)
  • He came from Nazareth. (Can anything good come out of Nazareth, was asked more than once.)

Christ’s birth, His life, and His death all defy human expectations, human logic, and even common sense.

But God.

  • God became man.
  • God responded with love to our sin.
  • God embraced us when we rejected Him.
  • God gives us His righteousness because we have none of our own.
  • God’s sacrifice covers over our sin.
  • God came to us because we are unable to get to Him.
  • God brings us peace when we declared war.
  • God loves us.

He may not be what we would expect. But He’s absolutely what we need.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Peace. We long for it – crave it even. Especially at Christmas. Does it feel elusive? Unattainable? Unrealistic?

Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

He came to bring peace to the world. And peace to you and to me.

Do you know my Jesus? Do you know peace? Do you want to?

Know Jesus, know peace. No Jesus, no peace.

The Old Testament is filled with prophecy about the Messiah to come … and when those dots are all connected, the image that emerges is Jesus. Only He “checks the box” on every single one. We invite you to listen to this week’s devotional video as Laura talks about geography and taxes. Then, celebrate how God is sovereign over both! Only God could orchestrate events and circumstances to ensure that Jesus of Nazareth was also the Messiah born in Bethlehem!

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Mary Heart / Martha Home: Chocolate Cherry Brownies … YUM!

Laura has a new recipe for us in this week’s Martha Monday video … and it’s perfect for the Christmas season! We invite you to watch her make these scrumptious brownies, and then download your copy of the recipe here.


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Sunday Soaking: A Price to Be Paid

And I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.
Genesis 3:15

When sin entered the world, it brought consequences to the serpent (the evil one), to Eve (the first woman), and to Adam (the first man). God spoke first to the evil one. The judgment to God’s enemyand oursis found in Genesis 3:15. Sin racked up a debt and a price to be paid for it. Consequences would come to the evil one, to man, and to woman.

The words of Genesis 3:15 are powerful and prophetic. They bring judgment to our enemy, but also hope to us.

Through the one born of a woman, victory will ultimately come. The battle will be real and long. It will take generations to come to fruition. Only in God’s ways and God’s plan could enmity bring blessing, and good come from bad.

The cosmic battle lines up like a celestial Super Bowl: Serpent vs. Seed. But the stakes are higher than a ring, more long-lasting than the next season. The serpent uses every play in his book but will still come up short. His best efforts bring only “bruising.” His head will eventually be crushed by Jesus, the seed of the woman.

A strike to the head will bring death to sin, victory over death, and fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15 prophesy.

The generations of humans didn’t always get the prophecy. Hindsightand the gift of the Holy Spiritbring clarity.

But the evil one knew. He understood. And he doubled down to prevent it from happening (“the devil has sinned from the beginning…” I John 3:8). He was relentless. He never gave up on his agenda to thwart the plan of God. His efforts would be futile. Snipping at the heel is an irritation and a distraction, but a blow to the head is fatal.

Referred to as the “proto-evangelism” (the first gospel), Genesis 3:15 points ahead from ancient times to the first century. It finds its fulfillment in the cross … in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our only hope.

Born from the seed of woman, as promised.

The Son of God and the Son of Man, and so uniquely and prophetically the One and Only.

Jesus is the ultimate gift of not only Christmas, but for all eternity. He has paid your bill. Have you accepted the gift – have you accepted Jesus, the One and Only? Is He YOUR One and Only?

The annual Christmas event for Laura’s ladies’ Bible study was a blessing to all who were there—and with this week’s Friday devotional video, it will now be a blessing to our YouTube viewers, as well. Amelia Nizynski, the Vice President of Customer Development for DaySpring Cards, was the guest speaker at last week’s event. Amelia shared a message inspired by the prophetess Anna (see Luke 2:36-38). We invite you to listen, and to be both challenged and blessed by Amelia’s encouragement to live expectantly, faithfully, and ready to share the good news of Jesus!

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Sunday Soaking: Jesus’ Birth – Prophecy and Fulfillment

Do you think of only the New Testament when you hear the name, Jesus? Does the Old Testament bring to mind the Patriarchs, David and Goliath, and Daniel in the Lion’s Den?

Our prayer is that after writing the WORD with us this month, you will see that the entirety of scripture – both Old and New Testament – is really all about Jesus! Like proverbial breadcrumbs dropped down to lead us, Old Testament prophecies serve as clues that point readers forward to the promised Messiah. Only Jesus satisfies (or fulfills) all of the Old  Testament promises and predictions.

My quick internet search reveals that the life of Jesus fulfills over 300 Old Testament prophecies! 300! He is the One and Only … the Son of God and Son of Man and Savior of the world.

This month we will explore a smattering of those prophecies. We’ve selected only 14 of the 300 and lined them up with their New Testament counterparts to see each fulfilled.

We pray this reading and writing is worshipful for you. We pray it prompts you to wonder anew at the person of Jesus – who He is, what He has done, and what it all means.

May our time together in the Word lead us all to wonder and to worship with fresh eyes and renewed faith.

God became man. He chose to come. And He’s coming back.

Merry Christmas.

Our December Write the WORD bookmark may look a little different than usual, as we are changing it up a bit for Christmas! We needed a full page to lay out the Old Testament prophecies of Jesus Christ, alongside the corresponding fulfillment found in the New Testament.

Our prayer is that as you submerge yourself in the Word of God this month, you will discover anew that Jesus is indeed the One and Only Messiah – the Son of God and the Savior of the World– and will worship Him with renewed wonder and joy! Merry Christmas!

Visit our Downloads page today for your copy of this month’s Write the WORD bookmark!

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Mary Heart / Martha Home: Our December ‘Do It!’ List, Jeans in January, and Laura’s Cran-Ban-Oat Cookies

We packed a lot into this week’s Martha Monday video!

In addition to the new ‘Do It!’ List for December, Laura also shares ten tips to help us circumnavigate holiday habits and still wear our jeans in January! On top of all that she demonstrates how to make an easy cookie recipe that is both light and delicious … a low-cal way to satisfy our sweet tooth in December, if you can believe such a thing exists!

Visit our YouTube channel for links to download both the December ‘Do It!’ List and a printable recipe for Laura’s Cran-Ban-Oat Cookies!

Wishing you and your loved ones
a blessed and happy Thanksgiving …
from all of us at Cross My Heart Ministry!

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Sunday Soaking: Thanking and Praising God When He Provides

“I thank and praise you, O God of my Fathers:
You have given me wisdom and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you,
you have made known to us the dream of the king.”
Daniel 2:23

When Babylon conquered Jerusalem, Daniel and his friends were part of the group taken captive. Daniel was determined to remain faithful to God even while living under Babylonian rule.  

Desiring not to defile himself by eating the Babylonian “royal food,” he asked for permission from the guard for an exemption. Daniel did not launch a hunger strike, or incite the other prisoners to protest. He was respectful in his request for a 10-day food and water test. God honored the desire of Daniel’s heart by giving him favor with the guard.  

As David honored God, God was faithful to continue to bless him during this time of captivity:

“To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding
of all kinds of literature and learning.
And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.”
Daniel 1:17

Verse 20 goes on to note that, when questioned by the king on matters of wisdom and understanding, Daniel was ten times more accurate than all of the magicians and other advisors in the kingdom. Clearly, God was providing and giving Daniel favor.  

In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and followed it with an unreasonable request: not only did he want an interpretation, he wanted his astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. When none could pass the test, he declared that all the wise men including Daniel and his friends would be executed.  

When Daniel heard of the edict, he asked for time to interpret the dream, then immediately called his friends to prayer.  

Is prayer to God our first response when we get bad news? Daniel’s action teaches us to go immediately to God when the task is impossible. He also teaches us to call others to join us in prayer.  

Daniel prayed. His friends prayed. And God answered: 

“During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision…”
Daniel 2:19a

And then what did Daniel do? Dance a jig? Throw a party? Hug his friends? None of that … although those responses may have come later. The very first thing Daniel did was to begin thanking and praising God. The rest of verse 19 reads: 

“…Then Daniel praised the God of heaven.”

Daniel did not delay. He wasted no time in praising God for the answer to his prayer. The words of his beautiful prayer are recorded above. He knew the provision came from God and he was careful to thank God for the revelation. 

When life brings us challenging news, we typically rush to pray and ask others to pray, as well. Are we in an equal hurry to begin thanking and praising God when He answers?  

We learn two important lessons from Daniel: 

  1. When you get bad news, pray. 
  2. When God gives an answer to your prayer, thank Him for the answer.  

Has God answered prayers for you this week … this month … this year? Have you thanked and praised Him for those answers? It’s never too late to say thank you! 

Will you join with me in resolving to be women who first take every need to God, and then thank and praise Him when He provides an answer?  

This week’s Friday teaching video focuses on Nehemiah 10, the culmination of rebuilding the lives of God’s people. In Nehemiah 8 and 9, they returned to His WORD, listening to the scriptures read aloud for hours. They worshiped, remembered, and repented.

As we move into Chapter 10, the people come together to sign a covenant, committing their lives to God. Old Testament history confirms this is not the first time they’ve made a commitment to God.

When it comes to obedience, we can get there, but struggle to stay there — just like the Israelites from the days of Nehemiah. This side of the Cross, God’s covenant is written on our hearts. We invite you to watch this week’s teaching video and ask yourself whether your heart has been “crossed.”

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