Write The WORD
Write The WORD was born of my passion for getting women into God’s Word on a daily basis. As busy wives and mothers, so many of us struggle to “fill up” — through intentional time in scripture and prayer — before pouring out each day.
Write The WORD provides a simple, manageable framework for daily time in the Word. Each month, I’ll introduce a new topic with selected daily verses printed on a handy bookmark that can be tucked into your Bible. These verses provide a guide for reading, writing, and focusing on specific scripture passages each day.
Download here:
Write The WORD: BELIEVE (March 2025) — bookmark
Write The WORD: BELIEVE — S.O.A.P. Bible study pages
Write The WORD: HEART (Feb. 2025) — bookmark
Write The WORD: HEART — S.O.A.P. Bible study pages
Write The WORD: GLORY (Jan. 2025) — bookmark
Write The WORD: GLORY — S.O.A.P. Bible study pages
The ‘Do It’ List
I’ve distilled years of experience in raising a family and keeping a home, and the result is the monthly ‘Do It’ List.
The list is a simple, one-page guide to helping busy women balance the demands of home with a heart for serving God and others. Routine home-keeping tasks are broken up into daily, weekly, and once-per-month responsibilities, with space to personalize the list to suit your own unique circumstances.
Download here:
March 2025 ‘Do It’ List
March 2025 ‘Do It’ List – blank version (for greater flexibility & personalization)
‘Wrapping Up Christmas’ Printables
Laura’s helpful, FREE checklist for organizing, replenishing, and storing seasonal items like wrapping paper, decorations, and after-Christmas purchases. Download HERE.
Prayer Walking Guide
Are you familiar with Prayer Walking? If not, we invite you to watch Laura’s YouTube video explaining the practice, then use our free, printable Prayer Walking Guide to pray for the students, faculty, and staff of your local school district.
Prayer Walking Guide (designed for printing landscape, double-sided, on letter-sized paper or card stock)
May 2021 Bible Study: ‘Psalms of Faith’ (FREE download courtesy of Joy of Living)
Psalms of Faith: 3-week Bible study (please be sure to subscribe to the Cross My Heart YouTube channel for weekly teaching videos during the month of May)
Praying with Purpose
31 Days of prompts from Proverbs to inspire you to pray with purpose!
The Scripture I memorized as a child comes readily to my lips, but I find it much more challenging to commit Scripture to memory as an adult. However, the benefits and blessings of having God’s Word hidden in my heart remain unchanged.
Scripture memory is a discipline and brings great blessing. As Paul advised Timothy, Scripture is indeed “…useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness…” (II Timothy 3:16) God has used His Word to do all that and more in my life.
God has challenged me to commit a long passage to memory this year. He has led me to Romans 12 — what a powerful chapter! Would you like to join me in hiding this truth in your heart?
To aid us in our verse by verse journey, I’ve created a little file which you can download and print here: Romans 12.
You can print it on card stock and staple or even glue the pages into a small journal. I find it useful for redeeming the “wait” time at the doctor or dentist, when picking up a child, or when meeting a friend. Incorporating this into my daily quiet time helps to cultivate this discipline.
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