Category Archives: Write the Word
Sunday Soaking: Come to the Sanctuary
“I have seen you in the sanctuaryand beheld your power and your glory.”Psalm 63:2 David opens Psalm 63 by declaring who God is and who He is to him personally: “O God, you are my God…” Not only is He … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: God’s Glory – A Consuming Fire
“To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.”Exodus 24:17 The glory of the Lord was revealed in the Old Testament with a striking visual. The power of a consuming fire … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: Will It Glorify God?
…everyone who is called by my name,whom I created for my glory.Isaiah 43:7 God created us for Himself, for His glory. It seems fitting, then, that we’ll begin the new year by focusing on GLORY in our January Write the … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: Us, Too!
“…and all peoples on earthwill be blessed through you.”Genesis 12:3b God chose Abram. He plucked him up from a pagan place and gave him a new name, a new purpose, and a promise of greatness. Through Abram, God would grow … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: Not What You Would Expect
Not What You Would Expect: Isaac (Not Ishmael), Genesis 17:19Jacob (not Esau), Genesis 28:14 In a Jewish patriarchal society, the first-born son is typically the expected choice for lineage and inheritance. But God’s ways are not always our ways (Isaiah … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: A Price to Be Paid
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Genesis 3:15 When sin entered the world, it brought consequences to the serpent … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: Jesus’ Birth – Prophecy and Fulfillment
Do you think of only the New Testament when you hear the name, Jesus? Does the Old Testament bring to mind the Patriarchs, David and Goliath, and Daniel in the Lion’s Den? Our prayer is that after writing the WORD … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: Thanking and Praising God When He Provides
“I thank and praise you, O God of my Fathers:You have given me wisdom and power,you have made known to me what we asked of you,you have made known to us the dream of the king.”Daniel 2:23 When Babylon conquered … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: The Rhythm of Thanking and Praising
“They were also to stand every morningto thank and praise the LORD.They were to do the same in the evening.”I Chronicles 23:30 I Chronicles 23 lays out the duties for the Levites: Purify the sacred things Tend to the courtyard … Continue reading
Sunday Soaking: Extol, Thank, and Praise
He appointed some of the Levitesto minister before the ark of the LORD,to extol, thank, and praise the LORD,the God of Israel.I Chronicles 16:4 (NIV) To extol, thank, and praise – a good description of prayer. Thank and praise are … Continue reading