But these are written that
you may believe
that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,
and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 20:31
The reason John wrote his gospel is the same reason many of us talk to our children and grandchildren about Jesus: we want them to have eternal life!
On a Sunday morning not long ago, I watched as a little girl in our church was baptized. The children’s pastor commented that when he asked her about coming to know Jesus she responded, “My family talks to me about Jesus all the time!”
Let’s pray that our children, grands, and great-grands will grow up saying the same thing about us!
When our children are at home, we teach and train them. We go to their soccer and baseball games. We chase their bent by investing in music lessons, sports camps, and science kits. We love them. We take them on vacation, teach them to cook, and caution them about stranger danger. We teach them about money, relationships, forgiveness, generosity, and how to change a flat tire.
But as followers of Christ, what we want most is for them to come to know our Jesus!
God has no grandchildren. Our faith is not inherited by our children, but it is seen and heard by them.
Other than our living testimony, they also get to know Jesus through His Word.
The beginning of a new month brings the next installment of our Write the WORD series. The selected verses for this month highlight the word believe.
If you are a mother or grandmother, you may be anticipating spring and starting to plan for sports, vacations, and other activities for your family. But whatever your plans, be sure you also talk to them about Jesus. I hope and pray that the verses on this bookmark will fuel some great conversations with the young ones in your life, as well as with our Lord as you pray for them.
My prayer is that as you write each verse, you renew your belief in Jesus and your faith is strengthened by His Word.
Do you believe in my Jesus? Have you placed your faith in Him? It’s simple, but changes everything:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
If you are ready to commit your life to Jesus, here’s a simple prayer prompt:
God, I’ve made a mess and I am a mess. I am a sinner. I cannot fix or change myself. I need You. This day I give my life to You, Jesus. Thank you for taking the punishment on the Cross that I deserved. Come into my life. Take over. Take charge. From this day forward, I will follow You. You are my Savior and my Lord. Amen.
Whether you prayed that prayer or something like it (and whether you prayed it today or many years ago), your life in Christ will be transformed by His Word. Why not commit to writing God’s Word daily – and then pray it, speak it, and live it.
We’ve just started a new month, which means it’s time to start another Write the WORD topic. In March, each verse for each day includes the word, BELIEVE. Please listen to this week’s teaching video, as Laura explains what this word means spiritually and its implications for eternity, as she reflects on Jesus’ words from Mark 1:15, “Repent and believe the good news.”
Our free monthly Write The WORD bookmark is a tool to encourage you to abide in His Word. Our newest bookmark (highlighting the word, believe) can be found on the Downloads page.