Sunday Soaking: Write the Word – WORSHIP

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker
Psalm 95:6

We read in I Corinthians 10:31 that the reason for our existence is to glorify God. This month’s Write the WORD focuses on one of the ways we live out that purpose: worship.

As I scoured the Bible for verses including the word worship, I noted over and over how many times it was preceded by the phrase, bow down. A quick search on “bow down and worship” at yielded 29 hits!  

Perhaps the reason we so often see these two concepts coupled together is obvious: only a humble heart can truly and completely worship God. As we behold His glory, we are humbled by who He is (and simultaneously, often painfully, made aware of who we are not). WORSHIP is the only possible or appropriate reaction in that moment of raw, sobering self-awareness and overwhelming “God-awesomeness.”

Come write with us this month! Let’s look at examples scattered across the Old and New Testaments where worship was the response to a variety of circumstances and events. And as we write the words with our pens, I pray our hearts and minds immediately respond. May we be not just hearers of the Word, but doers of it as we give our great God the praise due His glorious name!  

Whether this is your first month to join us or writing the Word has become part of your daily rhythm, we welcome you and invite you to download our free printable Write the WORD bookmark and S.O.A.P. Bible study pages. As women of God, adding this one activity to your daily schedule is a very simple way to spend time in scripture and hide God’s Word in your heart.

We were created to glorify for God and WORSHIP is a big part of how we do that. In this week’s devotional video, Laura discusses how “writing the WORD” works. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch as she shares a bit on the importance of worship in our lives.

Visit our Downloads page today to find our Write the WORD bookmark, S.O.A.P. Bible study pages, and other free resources to help you balance your heart for God with the demands of a busy life and family.

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