Sunday Soaking: The Helmet of Salvation

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

“Take the helmet of salvation…”
Ephesians 6:17

Last month, we introduced our first study of elements of the Armor of God from Ephesians 6. After focusing on the Belt of Truth during May, we are continuing in June with the Helmet of Salvation.

The word salvation, like many others, is a “churchy” word we use frequently, but we might find it hard to pin down a definition if asked to explain what it means to someone outside the faith.

As I pondered the meaning of salvation and its implication to my life, the classic Star Trek TV series came to mind. When Captain Kirk needed to return to the Starship Enterprise, he would speak into his communicator to his chief engineer, “Beam me up, Scotty!”

If you’re a fellow Trekkie, you already know that phrase is one you might use as a humorous way of saying, “Get me out of this situation!”

The older I get, the more I realize that life itself is a bit of a situation. We seem to be perpetually in a jam, coming out of a jam, or heading into a jam. Perhaps, then, we can think of exiting earth and entering heaven as the time we get to “beam up.”

Our salvation – our acceptance of Christ as our Savior – means that when we leave this world, heaven awaits us. Our hope for eternity on that day is all about Jesus.  That’s the good news of the Gospel.

Because of the Gospel, we have confident hope for that day.  We have steadfast assurance for that day. We know we do not grieve without hope, and we know there is life beyond this one here on Earth. That is indeed good news … great news! The best of news!

But is the Gospel more than that? Is it not just for that day, but for THIS day?  If the only purpose of salvation was to get us to heaven, why wouldn’t God just “beam us up” the moment we accepted Christ as our Savior?

Does – or should – the gospel change my today?

Does – or should – the reality of my salvation affect my words, thoughts, actions, attitudes, and behaviors in THIS life and on THIS day?

As we Write the WORD this month, let us celebrate our life in Christ, lean into renewed gratitude for our salvation, and ponder its implications for living in this world as we await getting “beamed up” for eternity.

Visit our Downloads page for your copy of this month’s Write the WORD bookmark, optional S.O.A.P. Bible study pages, and other free resources to help you balance your heart for God with the demands of a busy life and home.

In this week’s devotional video, Laura introduces our new bookmark for June and unpacks David’s powerful words from Psalm 13:5: But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. We invite you to watch her introduction and hope you also accept her challenge to read, write, and commit to memory this truth-packed verse.

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