Sunday Soaking: Freedom and Blessing

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers, but his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
Psalm 1:1-2

The Psalmist makes it clear: blessing comes when we steer clear of sin. The refusal to walk, stand, or sit with the wicked, with sinners, and with mockers brings blessing – or “happiness many times over.”

As children of God, we are not immune to captivity. Even though our hope for eternity is secure, we can be enslaved on earth. Are you imprisoned to habits, lifestyles, or behaviors that not only fail to honor God, but bring hopelessness and shame to you?

Finding freedom is a process that begins with acknowledging we are in chains. Whatever we stubbornly hold onto will eventually hold onto us.

Liberty is possible. We have hope. Galatians 5:1 says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Turning from a course that leads away from God means adjusting course to follow God. As we reject sin, we create room in our lives and in our hearts. Choosing to seek God will take us to His Word. That choice may begin as a “have to,” but I’m convinced our immersion will move us to “want to” and even “delight to.”

Your bondage may be an addiction to food, alcohol, or another substance. Maybe your hangup is trashy novels or trashy talk. It might be a critical spirit, a controlling attitude, laziness, love of money, or unbridled anger. Whatever enslaves us also prevents us from living for more – from living the life of blessing God has for us.

When we are finally sick and tired of being soul sick and tired of trying, He is ready to meet us. Like the prodigal son, when we are ready to come home to our father, He awaits – ready to welcome, to bless, and to love us.

Our transformation comes through His strength and not our own. We rest in His promises as we immerse ourselves in His Word. We choose to believe Him rather than the voice of condemnation whispering in our ear.

He has set us free. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

As we reject sin by removing ourselves from its presence, being mindful of where we walk, stand, and sit, we begin to turn the rudder of our heart back to God.

But our hearts are not vacuums. They were meant to be filled. Jesus cautioned that kicking out one evil spirit without filling up the space with something else leaves us vulnerable for that one to come back with seven more in tow. As we allow God to have His way, as we give Him full access to our hearts, as we place ourselves in the right place, away from sin and in His presence, freedom comes. Sin’s ties are loosened. We are renewed day by day. His presence and His power bring freedom and blessing. We are empowered to live with purpose and on purpose, day by day.

My “have tos” are transformed to “want tos.” I find myself actually delighting in His Word, and embracing my quiet time that was once boring and tedious. I now have freedom to live fully and completely in Him. Freedom to live loved and live blessed.

As children of God, we were created for more. Why live marginalized and compromised when we can live free? Why live with less when He has more?

As we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christ’s resurrection in just a few weeks, I would invite you to examine your heart and ask yourself: What choice is He prompting me to make today to live whole, free, and blessed?

It’s spring break in Northwest Arkansas, but even though the women’s Bible study didn’t meet, Laura recorded a special devotional for this week. Hope you enjoy these thoughts on the “high places” mentioned repeatedly in the Old Testament, and how God’s commandment for dealing with them applies to our lives today.

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