“I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”
Psalm 4:8
Was David declaring these words through clenched teeth?
Was he singing these words with a happy heart?
Was David giving thanks from a place of serenity and calm … and was that calm the eye of a storm while the proverbial tornado swirled around him?
The longer I live, the more convinced I become that choosing to dwell with God – choosing, as a friend recently said to me, to be on the side of the fence with Jesus – is what matters. The battle may be real. Circumstances may be hard. Life may feel unfair. People may be mean. The culture may be crazy. All these may be what you and I see as we look around. But hear me on this: none of it has to penetrate our personal reality.
Circumstances do not get to define who we are. The Cross did that – and still does that.
We may look around and feel fearful, frightened, unsafe, and anything but peaceful. But when we look up, we find our due north – we see Him. And He provides the spiritual equilibrium we need.
As women of God, our identity is wrapped up in Jesus. Unhappy circumstances need not rob us of peace and joy.
God is sovereign over events in our world. He is above the culture, above the hurt and pain and struggles in this world. Whether He causes it or allows it, He is aware of it and will use it for my good AND HIS GLORY.
I look out and I can easily become frightened or angry. I must shift my focus up – to God. He has not stepped back. He is not unaware. He is not uncaring.
He is working.
Do you believe that? Is it truth only in your head that needs to migrate to your heart? If you are like me, believing it yesterday was for yesterday. Today is a new day to settle that truth anew.
Whether today brings tears or laughter, whether the biopsy is positive or the bank balance is negative, or whether scale is up or down, I am at peace because I know the Prince of Peace. I am safe – not just today, but for eternity. I can rest and revel in His love and provision.
Would you pray the words Psalm 4:8 back to God with me?
As emotions swirl and tears flow, may each of us sleep in peace – knowing that real peace can only be found in You. The world, the culture, and sometimes even our Christian brothers and sisters rob us of peace and safety, but You are unchanging. You are steadfast, faithful. You are God Almighty.
God, transform us in the days and weeks ahead in this new year. Equip us to be women who do not just cry or become angry, who do not complain or criticize others, but who point others to Scripture, to You. I pray our happy times and our hard times always point to You. Holy Spirit, remind us that You are always working.
Thank you for the peace that comes in knowing that even though our circumstances may be anything but peaceful, You are the Prince of Peace. Use these challenges to shore up our faith in You and understanding of how You work in and through them. Be glorified in all this, God. Transform us through whatever comes.
Thank You for the sacred privilege of being Your child. Thank You for the gift of life to come in heaven and life on earth today. Help us to steward our lives and our experiences well. I will choose to rest in Your love and Your peace. You and You only keep me safe. I choose today to dwell in You. Thank You, Jesus, for loving me and keeping me safe—today and forever. Amen.
In this week’s devotional video, Laura discusses Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians and His great gifts to us today: