…everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory.
Isaiah 43:7
God created us for Himself, for His glory. It seems fitting, then, that we’ll begin the new year by focusing on GLORY in our January Write the WORD Bible study.
For many of us, I suspect the word itself seems “churchy” or “religious” … but it is the reason for our being, the purpose for which God created us. I’d like to invite all of us to explore what scripture tells us about “glory” this month, hoping to glean deeper understanding of what it means.
God’s glory is His intrinsic substance, His truth, magnificence, greatness, and beauty … and when we glorify God, we acknowledge all this in Him. Glorifying God is a choice that engages our thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes. The more we know Him, the better equipped we are to glorify Him. His glory is on display in creation, in His World, and in His Word. As we praise and worship Him in response, we are satisfied and fulfill our purpose.
The reason Jesus left heaven to come to earth was to glorify God. Having celebrated Christmas a few short days ago, you probably heard the passage read aloud at least once, but most of us can quote from memory the words of Jesus’ birth announcement from the angels, which explicitly stated this:
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
goodwill toward men!”
Luke 2:13-14
And when Jesus prepared to return to heaven, God’s glory was again mentioned:
I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work
you gave me to do.
John 17:4
If the life of Jesus on earth was consumed with glorifying God, then surely you and I should do likewise.
What if the litmus test for each decision we make was this: Will it glorify God?
As we write the WORD this month, let’s challenge ourselves to consider each day’s actions and thoughts, behaviors, words, and decisions: Did I fulfill my purpose today? Did my life and my choices glorify God? As we write out these 31 verses – chosen from over 300 in the Bible that include the word, “glory” – let’s ask God to bring our hearts and minds into alignment with the purpose for which He created us. I believe as we read, study, and pray these verses during the month of January, each passage from God’s WORD can bring a subtle shift that draws us to Him in ever-increasing worship and praise.
Today, as we approach a new year filled with many decisions and choices of how we live our lives, I hope you’ll join me in committing to ask that all-important question: Will it glorify God?
If you find yourself in a philosophical conversation about life, attempting to answer questions like: Why are we here? What’s the purpose of life? Is there a reason for my existence? You can answer: We were made for HIS GLORY.
In this week’s devotional video, Laura introduces our January Write the WORD topic. We invite you to join us as we write, ruminate on, and pray over verses that all include the word “GLORY.“ Our prayer is that this will equip all of us to lean more intentionally into our purpose: to bring glory to God!