Sunday Soaking: A Price to Be Paid

And I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.
Genesis 3:15

When sin entered the world, it brought consequences to the serpent (the evil one), to Eve (the first woman), and to Adam (the first man). God spoke first to the evil one. The judgment to God’s enemyand oursis found in Genesis 3:15. Sin racked up a debt and a price to be paid for it. Consequences would come to the evil one, to man, and to woman.

The words of Genesis 3:15 are powerful and prophetic. They bring judgment to our enemy, but also hope to us.

Through the one born of a woman, victory will ultimately come. The battle will be real and long. It will take generations to come to fruition. Only in God’s ways and God’s plan could enmity bring blessing, and good come from bad.

The cosmic battle lines up like a celestial Super Bowl: Serpent vs. Seed. But the stakes are higher than a ring, more long-lasting than the next season. The serpent uses every play in his book but will still come up short. His best efforts bring only “bruising.” His head will eventually be crushed by Jesus, the seed of the woman.

A strike to the head will bring death to sin, victory over death, and fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15 prophesy.

The generations of humans didn’t always get the prophecy. Hindsightand the gift of the Holy Spiritbring clarity.

But the evil one knew. He understood. And he doubled down to prevent it from happening (“the devil has sinned from the beginning…” I John 3:8). He was relentless. He never gave up on his agenda to thwart the plan of God. His efforts would be futile. Snipping at the heel is an irritation and a distraction, but a blow to the head is fatal.

Referred to as the “proto-evangelism” (the first gospel), Genesis 3:15 points ahead from ancient times to the first century. It finds its fulfillment in the cross … in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our only hope.

Born from the seed of woman, as promised.

The Son of God and the Son of Man, and so uniquely and prophetically the One and Only.

Jesus is the ultimate gift of not only Christmas, but for all eternity. He has paid your bill. Have you accepted the gift – have you accepted Jesus, the One and Only? Is He YOUR One and Only?

The annual Christmas event for Laura’s ladies’ Bible study was a blessing to all who were there—and with this week’s Friday devotional video, it will now be a blessing to our YouTube viewers, as well. Amelia Nizynski, the Vice President of Customer Development for DaySpring Cards, was the guest speaker at last week’s event. Amelia shared a message inspired by the prophetess Anna (see Luke 2:36-38). We invite you to listen, and to be both challenged and blessed by Amelia’s encouragement to live expectantly, faithfully, and ready to share the good news of Jesus!

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