Sunday Soaking: A Litmus Test for Wisdom

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31:26

The Proverbs Lady has simultaneously convicted and inspired women of God for centuries. We want to be her. We are sometimes shamed by her. Is she really that perfect? Does she offer a high, but unattainable standard?

Of course, she does … at least, when we try to do it on our own.

Like all of Scripture, Proverbs 31 is powerful to refine and transform us. But as we read it – especially this side of the Cross – we read with gratitude that it is the Holy Spirit working in us and through us that both convicts and empowers us to live lives differently and for the glory of God. We don’t have to earn God’s love, because we already are loved!

(Pause here for a deep, thankful breath.)

Verses 10-31 of Proverbs 31 highlight character traits of a woman who seems almost too good to be true, but she also offers an example of what we can aspire to be when the Holy Spirit indwells us. These character traits include:

  • Strong work ethic
  • Purposeful
  • Compassionate
  • Helpful
  • Creative
  • Strong
  • Dignified
  • Industrious
  • Blessed
  • Committed

And from our highlighted verse today, we add: WISE. Only a wise person can speak with wisdom. And the indicator of being wise is that we release instruction that is faithful.

What is instruction? And to whom is it given?

It might include training our children or giving advice to a friend. We may be a “Titus 2” woman who mentors younger women. Sometimes our counseling/training/mentoring may be conscious and formal. Other times we instruct others by our example. Those in our world are watching us. Perhaps taking their cues from us. Think about it: when you were younger, was there a woman in your life that you looked up to? Someone who inspired you? Was she a living example of “Jesus with skin on” in your life?

We become followers of Jesus when we place our faith in Him. We receive salvation by grace through faith. Because our works can never be good enough to atone for our sin, we rely solely on the completed work of Christ on Calvary’s Cross. His grace is free to us, but cost Jesus the most painful, horrific death ever conceived. That reality should prompt us to be grateful and to approach our Christian walk seriously, soberly, and faithfully.

I have no real, eternal wisdom on my own. But because His Spirit dwells in me and because I soak up His Word, I can become wise. And the indicator that I’m growing in wisdom on the inside is the words on my tongue that flow to the outside.

In light of the conviction and truth of verse 26 above, I’m asking myself these questions today:

  • Do I speak with wisdom?
  • Who has asked me for advice or counsel in the last month?
  • Were my answers (whether in person, email, or text) consistent with biblical truth?
  • Is the instruction I share based on human logic or Spirit-fueled faith?

I hope you will ask yourself these same questions and then pray with me:

Lord, thank you for saving me by grace through faith. Forgive me for the years I’ve wasted relying on my own strength rather than Your Spirit who dwells in me. I pray today that I would yield my heart, mind, and my TONGUE to the Holy Spirit. As He leads, I pray I would be transformed into a wise woman, a woman of God – a woman who speaks with faithful instruction. Oh, Lord, remind me to send up an arrow prayer for Your help before I open my mouth to respond. Let the words I speak be prompted by Your truth. Amen.

In this week’s devotional video, Laura and her friend, Marilae Latham, discuss Isaiah 50:4 and Marilae shares the personal journey of learning to bring her words – as well as the thoughts and emotions that prompt those words – under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to watch the video and be challenged by Marilae’s personal story of a godly older woman who gave her encouragement about speaking wisely.

Visit our Downloads page for this month’s Write the WORD bookmark and S.O.A.P. Bible study pages … and with the a new month approaching, watch for our September bookmark and ‘Do It!’ List coming soon!

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