Sunday Soaking: Clothespin, Anyone?

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Sin is not ended by multiplying words,
but the prudent hold their tongues.
Proverbs 10:19

Every kid that has ever gotten into trouble (eventually) learns to STOP TALKING when caught by his/her parents. Rationalizing, justifying, and certainly back talk just make it all worse!

Our legal system requires an accused party to be reminded, “You have the right to remain silent…” Obviously, because “multiplying words” may provide enough evidence to convict oneself.

Those may be two extremes (most of us are no longer teenagers missing curfew or criminals caught shoplifting or driving while intoxicated), but the principle is still good for living life. Whether navigating a disagreement with our spouse, speaking up as a citizen at a city board meeting, or participating in a church life group – when we talk too much, share too much, or keep pressing in to make our point, what could have been a valid and rational argument may get lost in the “multiplying words.”

Pride could be the real motivation … really, it’s often true that pride is the sin lurking behind every other sin! My determination to keep talking – to keep pressing to make my point ten different ways – may stem from the prideful belief that I’m right and I just need to convince this poor unenlightened person before me to get with my program. Ugh!

James 1:9 reminds us that, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…” but our human default is often: speak quickly and don’t listen!

The poetic style of Proverbs is parallelism – meaning, two lines are offered, and a conjunction separates them. Sometimes the second line adds a similar meaning (synonymous parallelism) or continues the thought of the first line (synthetic parallelism). However, Proverbs 10:19 is a classic example of antithetical parallelism – the second line contrasts with the first. In this case, the opposite of “multiplying words” is to hold the tongue! The contrast is heightened by contrasting sin with being prudent.

It’s ironic. Our desire to talk is a desire to share our wisdom, but the talking is what exposes a lack of wisdom!

Clearly, Solomon’s wisdom for us: talk less!

Clothespin, anyone?

In this week’s devotional video, Laura and her friend, Barb Maples, discuss their thoughts on the Proverbs 31 lady and her trait of speaking with wisdom. We invite you to listen and be blessed as Barb shares a personal story of a friend who was this kind of woman for her many years ago.

Visit our Downloads page today for your copy of this month’s Write the WORD bookmark, featuring Bible verses with the word, TONGUE. You will also find other free resources to help you balance your busy life with your heart for serving God and loving others.

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