Sunday Soaking: The Lord is MY SALVATION

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and
my savior— from violent people you save me.
II Samuel 22:2-3

These verses are part of a long Psalm of David recorded in II Samuel 22. If they sound more like one of David’s Psalms than a verse found in a book of history, you will find it interesting to note that these words in II Samuel parallel those from Psalm 18. 

This is a song of praise, so we can imagine David (the singer/slinger/warrior/king) playing his harp and offering these words in worship to our great God.  

As David praises God, he not only highlights many of God’s attributes, but he also celebrates how God is personal to him. Note the repeated use of the pronoun “my”: 

My Rock  …

My deliverer …

My salvation …

My stronghold …

My refuge …

My Savior.

God provided for David physically and spiritually. As David’s rock, deliverer, salvation, stronghold, refuge, and savior, God played both offense and defense in David’s life. He protected David from his enemies (bears and lions in the wilderness, Goliath in battle, Saul when on the run, the Philistines, and even from his own rebellious son, Absalom).  

He not only protected David from, but brought him to a solid place — a place of salvation and refuge. 

Whether you are calling on God today to protect you from an enemy or to take you to a place of safety and security, you can call to Him with the same “my” pronoun used by David.  

Because of the presence of God, our rock, we can remain steadfast, confident, and unwavering in the midst of whatever challenges today brings. The ebb and flow of daily life brings irritations, challenges, and bumps in the road with marriage, friendships, employment, parenting (and grandparenting), care-giving, church responsibilities, and many other areas. It may bring extraordinary challenges, as well: serious illness, prodigal children, marital struggles, family estrangement, financial setbacks, loss of loved ones, or any number of devastating circumstances.  

As we look over David’s list and recount the many ways God provides for us, it’s reassuring to note the best is saved for last: He is our Savior. In providing our salvation, our Lord demonstrates His power over death and victory over sin.  

My greatest enemy of all is ME. My sin, my choices, and my rebellion disqualify me from heaven and bring eternal consequences. But through Jesus — my rock, my deliverer, my salvation, my stronghold, my refuge, and my savior — the slate is wiped clean. He doesn’t just mark “paid in full” over my debt; my record is expunged. Gone. Just as if it were never there! 

Have you allowed Him to rescue you? Are you living like you are free? Can you lift your voice to heaven and join with David in exalting God as your savior? 

Thank you, Jesus, for saving me from me.
Thank you for the gift of salvation!

This week’s devotional video features Laura’s conversation with her friend Tracy, who shares insight from Ephesians 6:17, the passage that inspired this month’s bookmark. We think you’ll be inspired by Tracy’s personal testimony about salvation and the Word of God as she shares thoughts on this passage!

The woman of God puts on her helmet and takes up her sword…every day!

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