Mary Heart / Martha Home: Our June ‘Do It’ List (Plus, Laura’s Recipe for Red-Pepper-Glazed Chicken!)

June is just around the corner, so our ‘Do It!’ List for the month is now available. This free, single-page resource helps you keep on top of things at home, and we think summer is a great time to start! Get your copy from our Downloads page.

Each month we try to give tips and insight into one of the tasks on the list. This month’s focus: Clean out the Fridge! This is an important chore (as anyone who has neglected it for too long can attest) that also helps us practice good stewardship. This week’s Martha Monday video highlights a “use it up” strategy for one of the treasures Laura found when cleaning out her fridge. Leftover Red Pepper Jelly was too yummy to throw out, but with no parties calling for appetizers, what could she do with it? Watch now as Laura adds a twist to familiar ingredients to bring you this dish that she calls Red Pepper Jelly Glazed Chicken! We think you and your family will love it! And you can visit our YouTube channel to download a free printable copy of the recipe!

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