Sunday Soaking: Show Me, Teach Me, Guide Me

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

“Show me your ways, O LORD,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.”
Psalm 25:4-5

David makes three requests of God: 

  • Show me your ways 
  • Teach me your paths 
  • Guide me in your truth 

Acknowledging the need for direction, teaching, and guidance requires a heart of humility. In making these requests, David simultaneously admits both his own need and identifies God as the One who can provide.  

Only a teachable spirit can learn. Only a humble spirit acknowledges the need for guidance. When we place ourselves in a position to learn from God, we choose to be under His authority and leadership. We are protected from the world’s ways and even our own flesh.  

God’s truth is really the only truth. And without His truth, we have no hope. Those who would argue about “my truth” and “your truth” fail to realize that by its very definition, the truth is objective. It is exclusive. It is absolute. That’s what makes it truth! That’s how we distinguish it from lies. Only by clinging to the truth do we have genuine hope. 

In declaring, “You are God my Savior,” David admits he cannot save himself. He is totally dependent on God, and his only hope is in Him.  

Does that describe you, beloved? Is your only hope in God?  

Our hope is placed in Jesus when we call on Him and give our lives over to Him for salvation. It ensures we will enter heaven on that day in our future. But Jesus also provides hope for this day in our present circumstances. We can experience peace and joy in the here and now. We need not wait for heaven.

As we deliberately and consciously place our hope in Him all day long, He is ever faithful to show, teach, and guide us.  

Do you see the connection between truth and hope? And will you allow His truth to guide you and provide for you all day long on this day, as you await heaven on that day?

In this week’s devotional video, Laura welcomes her friend, Hannah Millsap. Together, they explore the meaning of the word “truth” as spoken by Jesus, and what it means to be “free indeed!” We invite you to listen for ideas of how to apply the passage to your life in new ways.

It’s not too late to join us for the rest of May, as we learn about the Belt of Truth, one component of the Armor of God (Ephesians 6). Visit our Downloads page for this month’s bookmark, S.O.A.P. study pages, and other valuable resources to help you balance your heart for God and others, with the demands of a busy life.

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1 Response to Sunday Soaking: Show Me, Teach Me, Guide Me

  1. LINDA Toppins says:

    I love these! Great insight to hear from someone along with you each time. How we need Truth. The world has truly lost its way and truth is no longer the plum line. Unfortunately, couldn’t be said better, “you do you and i’ll do me.” Lord, shine your light and your truth even in the lives of those who think they know You, just as you did in Hannah’s! Thank you Hannah for sharing your story.

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