Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
Seek the Lord and his strength;
seek his presence continually!
I Chronicles 16:10-11
King David, who has given us so many beautiful Psalms to praise God, also wrote these words of praise to celebrate the return of the Ark to Jerusalem.
In the verses just prior to these, David urges the people to:
- Give thanks
- Call on the Lord
- Make His deeds known among the nations
- Sing to Him
- Tell of His wonderful acts
And then in verses 10-11, there is a call to SEEK:
- Seek the Lord
- Seek His strength
- Seek His presence continually
If we seek the Lord, it will lead to rejoicing. What else can you do in His presence? The disciples in Matthew 28:16 (a passage we often refer to as the Great Commission) worshiped the Lord when they saw Him. The wise men at his birth sought him, bowed down, and worshiped when they beheld him. We don’t have to travel far and uncomfortably to find the Lord Jesus. He is very near – living in our hearts if we know Him.
When troubles come, we may seek many things: self-help books, “therapy” in the form of shopping or chocolate, entertainment, or just a vacation to get away from it all. But, as women of God, He should be the One we seek first. In all circumstances, we should seek his face.
David admonishes us to look and to seek. The Lord is our North Star, our compass in the storm, our pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.
To seek is to go after, to hunt for, to search. There is intent, focus and determination. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself on seeking God? Do you look to Him for help and guidance in all things, large and small? How well are you and I doing at looking for him when we have a decision to make, when we need to respond to a challenging situation, or when we just don’t know what to do?
If I am seeking Him continually, then every decision will be filtered through His presence and provision. We can be reassured by David’s words to his son Solomon, ”If you seek Him, He will be found by you” (I Chronicles 28:9, II Chronicles 15:2).
Are you seeking and finding the Lord today? And when you find Him, are you praising and rejoicing in His name?
Our II Corinthians Bible study brought us to Chapter 8 this week. In this chapter, Paul encouraged the Corinthians to “excel in the grace of giving” and presents the Macedonians as an example of what that should look like. We invite you to hear Laura’s insight into this passage in this week’s teaching video!
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