If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10
Most of the “hold” verses we’re reading and writing this month speak of us holding on to God and holding on to His Word. The passage above brings the reassurance of God holding on to us!
(If you haven’t yet jumped in, you can download your copy of the Write the WORD bookmark here.)
On this Mother’s Day, I hope this verse encourages your heart as it does mine. This truth brings sweet reassurance to our hearts – for ourselves, and for our children and family. When we belong to God, we can’t get up early enough or travel far enough to escape His faithfulness. He will hold us fast. And He will hold those we love fast. He is ever faithful!
Mother’s Day may be a happy day or a sad one for you. Mothers reading this may have a full day of celebration to enjoy, while others see this as just a day to get through. There are women who have lost children, who long to have children, who are estranged from their children, and women who are heartbroken over the condition of their children’s hearts.
Whatever emotion Mother’s Day evokes for you when you look out, I want to encourage you to look up – to look to God and acknowledge His faithfulness and provision. He loves you. He is for you. He is holding you fast. He’s got you. You and I may not know what is happening or why things have happened or what will happen. But we know the One who does. And that, my friend, is enough. You can place your head on the pillow tonight knowing He’s got you. He is holding you fast.
In this week’s devotional video, Laura takes us to Proverbs 4, where a wise parent implores a child to see the value of embracing the wisdom found in God’s Word. She encourages us, as women of God, to take hold of God Word’s and hols onto it!
Have you downloaded this month’s Write the WORD bookmark? If not, it isn’t too late to join in for the rest of May as we read, write, and study verses featuring the word, “hold.” Find your own copy of the free bookmark and optional S.O.A.P. study outlines HERE on our Downloads page.
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