Sunday Soaking: A Woman Who Fears The LORD

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

A woman who fears the Lord is a woman who is reverent, holy, and knows she exists to bring glory to the God who created and redeemed her. She is a woman who intentionally honors God with her choices – her thoughts, attitudes, actions, words, and behaviors.

In this final chapter of Proverbs, there is a long list of character traits describing what we commonly call the “Proverbs 31 Woman.” It’s noteworthy that this particular trait is the last mentioned, suggesting that fearing the Lord is the crowning characteristic that embodies all the others.

The writer reminds us that the ultimate praise for a woman of God comes to one who fears the Lord. To define this, we can go back to the very first chapter of Proverbs where we read this:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 1:7

The place to find knowledge, wisdom, and discipline is God. Sometimes we don’t have it because we fail to ask for it (James 4:2b). All too often when we lack knowledge or wisdom, our first go-to is www-dot-something. We trust Google or an “expert” internet site to find answers to our questions.

But ultimately, real truth – eternal truth – can never be found apart from God.

For that kind of knowledge and wisdom, we must seek after God. We must know that He is the place to begin, if knowledge and wisdom are truly what we desire.

A woman of God asks God for help, then patiently waits on God to provide the answers. As a wife and mother, perhaps these are some knowledge and wisdom questions that need answered:

  • How can I make God’s Word a priority when the busy-ness of life seems to take up so much of my time?
  • How can I encourage my children to truly love God and seek His will for their lives?
  • How can I promote peace and harmony in our home?
  • How can I instill a thankful heart in my children and grandchildren?
  • How can I be a more kind, loving, and patient wife to my husband?
  • How can I glorify God in my home, work, and church?
  • How can I be a godly example to the younger women in my life?

The knowledge we seek may be academic, spiritual, emotional, psychological, relational, or otherwise, but ultimately it all goes back to God. We ask and He will provide. And the process of asking and waiting for the answer is one of learning to trust Him. Our faith is bolstered. We become a woman who fears the Lord.

Knowledge and wisdom are often used interchangeably. But I like to think of it this way: knowledge is what I glean from studying God’s Word and asking Him for answers. Wisdom is how He leads me to apply that knowledge. Then, as we cooperate with Him, we exercise discipline to incorporate the answers into life.

Do you want to be a woman who “fears the Lord?” Would you ask God to place that desire in your heart? Will you choose to pray over large and small decisions and challenges in your life? Are you ready to seek knowledge, wisdom, and discipline that only God can provide?

The woman of God fears the Lord.

In this week’s devotional video, Laura introduced our August Write the WORD topic: Parenting by the Book. We invite you to join us – for the second consecutive month – as we focus on Proverbs, this time with an eye toward parenting. What does Proverbs tell us about how to (and how NOT to) raise our children to be godly and faithful?

You can find the latest Write the WORD bookmark and optional S.O.A.P. study pages on our Downloads page, along with the August ‘Do It!’ List and other resources to encourage you to love God and love His Word.

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