Mary Heart / Martha Home: Laura’s Simple Pasta Salad (Throwback)

This week, we’re taking a break from Martha Monday … but that means we have a chance to revisit this video from Summer 2020, as Laura shares tips for creating a refreshingly simple (and delicious) pasta salad. Click HERE to download your own copy of the recipe!

Warmer days — or maybe we should say consistently warmer, since we’ve already seen a few 80° days here in Northwest Arkansas — are coming, folks. It’s the perfect time for this quick salad, which you can easily customize to suit your family’s tastes. Enjoy!

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2 Responses to Mary Heart / Martha Home: Laura’s Simple Pasta Salad (Throwback)

  1. Joyce Stover says:

    I am so proud of you!

    • LauraMac says:

      Thank you for this! Such a blessing from a woman of God I have long admired and respected! And very encouraging from one who knew me then and still loves me now!

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