Sunday Soaking: Children — A Blessing From The Lord

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Children are a heritage from the LORD,
offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
Psalm 127:3-5a

They come to us as infants: tiny bundles of blessing. They seem so little to have completely captured our hearts. In that precious moment of new birth, we know they are God’s blessing. No one has to convince us. Our hearts. Our minds. The marrow of our bones.  All in.

But as time passes, sometimes we forget. Most days may be filled with laughter, joy, and assurance that we are both liked and loved. But there will be those days. Sleepless nights. Vomit. Crashed fenders. Half-done chores. Back talk. A speeding ticket. Whether they are 2 or 32, our children are a source of blessing, wonder, frustration, delight, and challenge. I wouldn’t trade anything for the privilege, but there were moments when the stress and worry of parenting seem almost unbearable.

Through my children, and now my three granddaughters, God has taught me many lessons.  He has used them to bless me. I have learned that I am not nearly as wise, kind, or patient as I thought I was. I have learned that I am much less selfish than I ever thought I could be. I have learned that no sacrifice is too great, and that I can rise to any occasion when my loved ones’ health, hopes, or happiness is on the line.

Because I’m a mom and a grandmother, I’ve learned what I always knew in my head, but needed to know down in my gut: it’s not about me. My life, my parenting and grandparenting – all done for Him and through Him.  It’s all for HIS glory.

Without the privilege of motherhood, I’m not sure I ever could have understood God’s unconditional love for me. It only began to make sense when I first embraced my own children and felt that fierce, devoted, unconditional love flowing through me for each of them. And the feeling of holding my own child’s child in my arms … it’s simply inexplicable.

Children are a blessing. Do you know that? Do you believe that? Does your daily life reflect that?

Our days with them are limited. Take it from a mother of adult children: time will pass much more quickly than you thought possible. Whether your children are still young or have already left home, I challenge you to be strategic and intentional in making every day matter. Every moment you spend with them should be celebrated, utilized, and spent wisely. I lament any day I squandered on surviving rather than being fully present.

Our children and grandchildren are a blessing because it’s through them that God teaches us much about Himself. They are a blessing because He uses us to love, teach, and encourage them to go forward – to people and places in the future that we ourselves will never meet and never go.

If you are a parent today, you are blessed. Treasure them and thank Him.

Have you had a chance to watch this week’s YouTube video? If not, we hope you’ll enjoy Laura’s teaching on II Kings 13 – 16:

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