Sunday Soaking: Choosing to Trust God

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.
Psalm 25:2

Even in a time of great suffering and affliction, David begins his worship with a declaration of his trust in God: In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. 

What if we chose to do the same?

How easy it is to declare our trust after the crisis, after the provision, after God has answered our prayers, and after He has provided all we need.

It requires little faith to declare we trust Him after—but a great deal of faith to trust in advance (and in the midst) of the crisis.

Perhaps it is a mindset that comes as we are refined by the fires of life. Each new challenge brings a new level of trust. As we stand on the threshold of today’s challenge, we look back at God’s provision in the past and are bolstered to declare (again) with David:

In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.

Whether today finds you in the middle of struggling with a hard thing or coming out of a time of struggle, we know this:  more hard things will come. That is the nature of life in this world. Our Jesus gave us the heads up, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Our Write the WORD bookmark for July highlights verses with the word TRUST.  As you read, write, reflect, and pray over each one this month, I pray you will each day make it both your prayer and your declaration:

Lord, help me trust You more.
Lord, in You I put my trust.

Did you catch last Friday’s teaching video? I hope you’ll take a moment to watch it now, and follow along as we unpack Exodus 14:31 to learn how holy fear prompted the Israelites to trust God.

Visit our Downloads page for your free copy of this month’s Write The WORD bookmark and (optional) S.O.A.P. study pages. And be sure to check out the Cross My Heart YouTube channel tomorrow, when Laura will be introducing the July ‘Do It’ List!

Write the WORD: TRUST free download

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