Write The WORD: Holy Spirit

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak with other tongues,
as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Acts 2:4

Many Christians may quote this verse if asked, “When did the Holy Spirit appear?”

Those who obeyed Jesus, dutifully waiting in the Upper Room, saw His promise from Acts 1:8 fulfilled, as the Holy Spirit came to them with magnificent sight and sound.

But the Holy Spirit did not begin in New Testament times. As a member of the Godhead, He is eternal. He was present at creation:

“…the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
Genesis 1:2

As the unseen member of the Trinity, He may also be the One that makes many Christians uncomfortable. Perhaps it is a carryover from our childhood when we heard Him called, The Holy Ghost. Maybe it is the speaking in tongues that raises the discomfort level. Or possibly it is just our unfamiliarity and misunderstanding of His role that prompts our uneasiness.

Even those who joyfully praise God the Father and give grateful praise to their Savior, Jesus the Son, may still feel awkward when it comes to their relationship with the Holy Spirit.

I hope (and pray) that this month’s verses will help all of us become more familiar with this third member of the Trinity. There could be no better time of the year to study the Holy Spirit, than the season of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus and His subsequent ascension to heaven. As Jesus left earth, He sent the Holy Spirit to both indwell and equip the believers left behind.

This year, like every year, Christians will joyfully proclaim Jesus as Lord, release praise and gratitude for our salvation through His once-for-all sacrifice, and contemplate His second coming.

The birth, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus all occurred in the first century. Twenty-one centuries later, we still look for — and long for — His return.

But as each generation has looked for and longed for Him, those who follow Christ have not been left alone. Each generation of believers, from the 1st to the 21st, has been filled with the Holy Spirit. He has worked in our lives individually and corporately to convict, empower, encourage, and refine. The Holy Spirit will be our focus this month, as we learn more about Him and the vital work He does during the “in-between” time.

Are you ready to learn more about the Holy Spirit — His role, His presence, and His power? Come join us in writing the Word this month!

Download your free printable bookmark and S.O.A.P. Bible study pages today!

Write The Word: HOLY SPIRIT bookmark (April 2021)
Write The Word: HOLY SPIRIT study pages

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