Those who are with us are more than those with them.
II Kings 6:16
Elisha’s servant got up early and saw an army of horses and chariots surrounding the city. Obviously afraid, he asked Elisha,
Oh, my lord, what shall we do?
Like me, you’ve probably asked God that same question—perhaps on more than one occasion. Maybe it sounded more like this:
That question has come from the lips of God’s people (and perhaps, some who become God’s people in a crisis) down through the ages.
The task before us.
The letter before us.
The bank statement.
The medical report.
The meeting I’m about to walk into.
The hardened heart…
When the message or the circumstances are overwhelming and there seems no way out, we can cry out to God:
Lord…what shall we do?
Elisha was a kind and gentle leader and teacher. In this circumstance he is to be commended as much for what he did not say as for what he did:
He did not criticize his servant.
He did not give into fear himself.
He did not offer spiritual platitudes or instructions.
Eliisa prayed. And he prayed with confidence:
O, LORD, open his eyes so he may see.
And God was faithful. He blessed the servant to see what Elisha could either see or knew was there by faith: the army of God surrounded and protected. The heavenly host was on duty.
Elisha proclaimed with confidence,
Those who are with us are more….
More powerful.
More in number.
More in strength.
Thank you, Jesus, that you are more – more than enough for me, too.
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