Sunday Soaking: Freedom Prompts Worship

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

And God said,
“I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you:
When you have brought the people out of Egypt,
you will worship God on this mountain.”
Exodus 3:12

The presence of God makes the impossible possible. 

Enslaved in Egypt for 400 years, the Israelites had most likely ceased to even dream of freedom. Getting out of Egypt seemed unlikely. Hope perhaps evaporated with each new generation born into slavery, without memories or knowledge of freedom or the Promised Land.  

But God remembered.  

The Promise Keeper never forgot His promise. God called Moses, and sent him back to Egypt to rescue His people from bondage and lead them to freedom.  

God’s rescue of the Israelites back then points to His rescue of us now. He sent Jesus forth from heaven to save us from our own “Egypt” – the sin that so easily entangles and keeps us in bondage.  

Jesus came to free us:  “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free….” (Galatians 5:1a)

God told Moses that when the people had been delivered, they would worship Him.   

We were created for worship: to make much of God, to glorify Him. Indeed, freedom calls for praise! Those living in the darkness, slavery, and yoke of oppression in Egypt were rescued. And they were to respond to God’s provision with worship.

Today, we are to do the same.  

Have you recently thanked God for providing your salvation? Have you expressed gratitude to Jesus for leaving heaven’s throne, putting on flesh, and dying a death He didn’t deserve?  

If you are a child of God, you have been rescued from “Egypt” and can praise Him on the mountain!  

My rescue from Egypt was many years ago. I praise God for the salvation He provided. But it also occurs to me that in many ways, I have failed to treasure and value my freedom. In fact, there have been seasons where I have run back to “Egypt” … back to the sin that entangles and robs us of freedom. But in His great love, He continues to rescue me. I’m not talking about salvation – that matter was settled all those years ago, when I accepted His gift of redemption – but the process of sanctification, refinement, and transformation 

Sin wants to capture us. Our faithful God saves and rescues us. By our choice and free will, we cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s prompting, choosing to stay out of Egypt after being rescued. Abiding in Him, making the daily choice to walk in worship and obedience, keeps me satisfied and content in the place where God has planted me.  

Worship is our response to our salvation … and also what keeps us abiding in Him and delighting in our new identity.

Is your daily life of freedom characterized by worship? Would you give it a try?  

If God has rescued us from Egypt, let’s stop trying to run back. I believe praise has the power to change our “I-can’t-go-back-there” to an “I-have-no-desire-to-go-back-there” heart and mindset! Our “have to” can be transformed to a “want to” through worship.

Let’s wrap up by looking again at Galatians 5:1 – this time in its entirety: 

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again
by a yoke of slavery.

I don’t know about you, but I find it far easier to stand firm, when I stand in praise and worship! To HIM be the glory! 

This week’s devotional video features Laura’s teaching lecture from her weekly Bible study. In Nehemiah 4, the work of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls continues and is going well. But not everyone is happy about the progress. This chapter reveals opposition to the rebuilding project in many forms. We invite you to watch as Laura discusses how Nehemiah responded to the opposition then … and how we can resist and stand strong in our battles today!

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Sunday Soaking: Thankful Worship

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Then the man bowed down and worshiped the Lord
saying, “Praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham,
who has not abandoned his kindness and faithfulness to my master.
As for me, the Lord has led me on the journey to the house of my master’s relatives.”
Genesis 24:26-27

Perhaps there was no more daunting assignment for an Old Testament servant than being sent to find a wife for the master’s son. And when the son is the only son of Abraham, the one through whom God has promised to bless the nations, the stakes are even higher.  

The servant, widely believed by biblical scholars to be Eliezer, prepared well before launching out. He asked several questions of Abraham to clarify the assignment. He assembled ample supplies. And, most importantly of all, he prayed.

His prayer (recorded in Genesis 24:12-14) was: 

  • Selfless (he asked for success so that his master would be blessed) 
  • Specific (“When I ask for a drink, let her offer to water my camels, too.”) 
  • Submitted (he prayed that God’s will be done ⁠— “let her be the one you have chosen”) 

Oh, that our prayers would be selfless! Perhaps when they come from a place of selflessness, God honors what we have specifically asked. And most of all, perhaps God delights in answering prayers that demonstrate our trust and submission to Him. In fact, I believe the prayer that never, ever fails is: Thy will be done! 

God not only answered Eliezer’s prayer, He answered quickly. Verse 15 begins, “Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came…” I love that! 

The encounter at the well is recorded in Genesis 24:15-25. Everything unfolded beautifully. God provided far beyond expectations. And that leads us to verses 26 and 27, one of our Write the WORD passages for the month.  

In these verses, Eliezer models the proper response to God’s provision: worship. He was so overwhelmed with gratitude to God that he immediately bowed down and praised God for His provision with thankful worship.  

His example challenges us to do the same.

Over the course of a day, week, or month, you and I most likely ask God for many things ⁠— guidance, provision, resources, help, words, wisdom, etc. But do we follow through when He follows through? When God answers, is our first response like that of Eliezer: bow down and worship? Is thankful worship part of your walk with the Lord? 

What are you bowing down and worshiping God for today? 

This week’s devotional video features Laura’s teaching on the third chapter of Nehemiah. In Chapter 3, God’s people roll up their sleeves and put some work behind their words of commitment in Chapter 2: “Let us rise up and build.” As you listen to this week’s teaching lecture, we invite you to consider how the Israelites working together then compares to the body of Christ working together today.

Visit our Downloads page today to find your own copy of this month’s Write the WORD bookmark, S.O.A.P. Bible study pages, and more.

Laura’s weekly in-person Bible study (which meets in Siloam Springs, Arkansas) is a daytime class. As such, the ladies in the group are primarily retired or stay-at-home moms with young children. For years, it has been Laura’s desire to also connect with women in the workplace ⁠—  many of whom have a desire and heart to grow in the Word, but are restrained by time challenges. If that describes you, we pray that our new program, Triple Cord, might meet your need. Listen to Laura unpack the Triple Cord idea and then  reach out to us via email for more information about joining a Triple Cord group.

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Mary Heart / Martha Home: Pumpkin Pancakes (& Our October ‘Do It!’ List)

In this week’s Martha Monday video, Laura revisits one of our free monthly downloads, the ‘Do It!’ List.  After explaining the purpose of the ‘Do It!’ List, and how and why it works, she drills down on the weekly task of planning next week’s menu and demonstrates a recipe to let us enjoy one of our favorite fall flavors: pumpkin!

We invite you to watch as Laura walks through the process of making her easy Pumpkin Pancakes. Visit our YouTube channel to download your own copy of the recipe!

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Sunday Soaking: Write the Word – WORSHIP

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker
Psalm 95:6

We read in I Corinthians 10:31 that the reason for our existence is to glorify God. This month’s Write the WORD focuses on one of the ways we live out that purpose: worship.

As I scoured the Bible for verses including the word worship, I noted over and over how many times it was preceded by the phrase, bow down. A quick search on “bow down and worship” at yielded 29 hits!  

Perhaps the reason we so often see these two concepts coupled together is obvious: only a humble heart can truly and completely worship God. As we behold His glory, we are humbled by who He is (and simultaneously, often painfully, made aware of who we are not). WORSHIP is the only possible or appropriate reaction in that moment of raw, sobering self-awareness and overwhelming “God-awesomeness.”

Come write with us this month! Let’s look at examples scattered across the Old and New Testaments where worship was the response to a variety of circumstances and events. And as we write the words with our pens, I pray our hearts and minds immediately respond. May we be not just hearers of the Word, but doers of it as we give our great God the praise due His glorious name!  

Whether this is your first month to join us or writing the Word has become part of your daily rhythm, we welcome you and invite you to download our free printable Write the WORD bookmark and S.O.A.P. Bible study pages. As women of God, adding this one activity to your daily schedule is a very simple way to spend time in scripture and hide God’s Word in your heart.

We were created to glorify for God and WORSHIP is a big part of how we do that. In this week’s devotional video, Laura discusses how “writing the WORD” works. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch as she shares a bit on the importance of worship in our lives.

Visit our Downloads page today to find our Write the WORD bookmark, S.O.A.P. Bible study pages, and other free resources to help you balance your heart for God with the demands of a busy life and family.

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Sunday Soaking: Praying for Positive Peer Pressure

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

The expression “peer pressure” certainly carries a negative connotation. Secular and non-secular studies alike have confirmed the impact (particularly during adolescence) of peers. Teenagers, when influenced by their friends, are far more vulnerable to substance abuse, reckless behavior, bullying, and a host of other things that are potentially life-altering.  

As conscientious Christian parents and grandparents, we may try to postpone the timing of those influences … but please don’t ever assume you can avoid them altogether. And please don’t assume that another teen is godly, simply because he or she attends church or was raised in a godly family (to the best of your knowledge).  

When children are young, the adults in their lives control their relationships. We choose who they play with, what they do, and where they go. And to a certain extentespecially when the adults are very engaged with the kidsthat can continue into adolescence.

But at some point, we need to hand them the reins. Only parents can decide when is the right time for that to happen. It will be a decision not only unique to each family, but perhaps to each child.  

If we are devoted to teaching and training their hearts, our focus will be to prepare them to make good choices for themselves and help them understand how they can do that. It’s easy to build high walls and keep them in place until a child turns 18 … but what happens then?  

As a mother of four adults, I’m a long-time advocate of communication early on. Ask your children and grandchildren what makes a good friend. Role play with questions like, “What would you do if ___?” Using “worst case scenario” tools, empower them for as many situations as you can imagine. Explain some of your own poor choices (or those you have witnessed in others) as a warning. Pray. Talk. Share.  

We must prepare the children in our sphere of influence to make wise choices in friends. We must also challenge them to be a positive influence upon others.

Here are a few questions that come to mind for discussion with the children you love: 

  1. What qualities make for a good friend? 
  2. Who is your best friend and why? 
  3. What would you do if a friend wanted you to watch or do something that made you feel uncomfortable? 
  4. What did Joseph do when he was in an uncomfortable situation? (See Genesis 39) 
  5. Did I ever tell you about the time …? 

Each passing year is one less we have to be a daily, primary influence upon these young souls that God has placed in our lives. Ultimately, we hope and pray it is the voice of the Holy Spirit they choose to heed above all. But we know that peers will also influence their lives, attitudes, and behaviors.

If they choose well, peer pressure can be a profoundly positive influence in the life of a child.  

Lord, I pray for my children and grandchildren,
and for their friends.
I pray You would raise up a generation of Christ followers
who love You and love Your Word.
I pray the children in my life would choose their confidants well.
I pray You would hedge them in from the wrong friends
and steer them to those who will be a positive influence –
that they would mutually encourage each other to live for You,
always and in all ways.
May iron sharpen iron in all their relationships.

At the end of Nehemiah chapter 1, Nehemiah concluded that he was the answer to the problem in Jerusalem. He was to go and rebuild! In this week’s ladies’ Bible study lesson, we move into chapter 2 and see God opening the door for Nehemiah to make the big ask to the King of Persia. We invite you to listen to this week’s teaching lecture, as Laura unpacks Nehemiah’s approach to the king and challenges us to follow his example by allowing our faith in God to be greater than our fear of the person or circumstances before us.

Have you subscribed to our the Cross My Heart Ministry channel? If not, would you take a moment today to visit YouTube and become a subscriber? It costs nothing, and is a great way to show your support for our ministry.

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Mary Heart / Martha Home: Laura’s Latest Dollar Tree Haul

In this week’s Martha Monday video, Laura shared some of the everyday items she found on her latest trip to Dollar Tree.

Do you have a favorite item (or three) that you try to find when you shop at your local dollar store? Share your finds in the comments!


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Sunday Soaking: ALL IN on Praying for Our Children

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:5

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart,
with all your soul, and
with all your mind.’
Matthew 22:37

 All means ALL!

When we pray that the children in our lives would love God wholeheartedly, it means ALL IN. Not half-way, not half-heartedly, and not Sundays only.

When a mama asks her teenager to take out the trash, she doesn’t expect to see the trash sitting by the front door. It must make it all the way to the curb.

When a wife wants a faithful husband, she doesn’t mean 364 days a year – she expects 365 (and some years 366)!

And when God commands us to love Him with ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength, we need to apply the same high standard. ALL IN!

As we pray for the children in our sphere of influence to love God wholeheartedly, we can also ask God to reveal where we ourselves might be holding out.

Here are some questions we can ask as we pray for the children in our lives (and for ourselves):

  • Do I have a divided heart? Is there anything I treasure more than God?
  • Do I find myself praying without ceasing – having on ongoing conversation with God throughout my day?
  • Does God enter my thought life on Tuesday morning or Friday afternoon?
  • Do I ask God about what I buy, read, and watch?
  • Has Sunday morning worship become an optional activity? Am I finding reasons (I don’t feel like braving the rain, there’s a mountain of dirty laundry, I’m in the middle of a great book and can’t wait to finish it) not to gather with other believers?
  • Do I give God the first and best of each day?
  • Do I speak up when others speak poorly of my God?
  • Do my posts, tweets, and social media comments indict me as a woman of God?
  • Do thoughts about God in my mind and heart make their way into my conversations with others?

I hope one or more of these questions convict you as they do me. Perhaps they could even prompt a conversation – with your child, grandchild, nephew or niece, a student in your class or church, or a young person in your neighborhood – about loving God wholeheartedly.

Lord God, I pray this child would put You on the throne of his/her life each day and every day. I pray this would be deliberate, conscious, daily choice.  I pray he/she would love You most and best and with a wholehearted devotion.

Our latest Friday devotional video features Laura’s teaching to the ladies’ Bible study, as we jump into the book of Nehemiah! The text opens with bad news concerning problems in Jerusalem. The walls are down. The gates are destroyed. The people are vulnerable and in great danger.

How do you and I respond to problems in our lives or in the lives of those we love? We invite you to read the first chapter of Nehemiah and then listen to this week’s teaching lecture to learn the best response when facing bad news.

Click here for the full video playlist of Laura’s Nehemiah study, if you missed last week’s introductory teaching.

Our Write the WORD bookmark, optional S.O.A.P. study pages, and other free resources can be found on our Downloads page.

If you would like to purchase a Nehemiah study guide and join in the ladies’ Bible study (whether in person or online), please send an email to for more information.

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Sunday Soaking: Praying that Our Children are THANKFUL

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

“…give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
I Thessalonians 5:18 [NIV]

When our oldest was only one year old, after prompting by our pastor, I began to pray for a thankful heart in my child. I continued this prayer as we added each additional child. Four kids – and three granddaughters – later, I’m still praying for thankful Macfarlan hearts.

“Why thankfulness?” you may ask.

The first (or most obvious) response might be the blessing released to others. That is true. And that is important. Others are blessed when we express gratitude.

But I’m also convinced that thankfulness is a blessing to the one releasing it. Thankfulness protects against entitlement, materialism, and selfishness … all dangerous to the character of children. The 21st-century culture of our western world makes them vulnerable to “me-ism” – I’m convinced entitlement, materialism, and selfishness are the default, but our prayers can combat these society norms. We are up against entrenched attitudes, human nature, and even commercials and advertisements. The world will corrupt and entice all of us to make it all about us.

It’s natural (and easy) to make it all about self in this world. But never underestimate the power of a praying mom – or grandmother, or aunt, Sunday School teacher, youth leader, coach, godparent, or anyone else who has influence in a young life! We can best fight the culture on our knees. And we can train up the young people we love to live selfless in a selfie world.

As we consider praying for thankful children, consider these prayer prompts:

  • Lord, give my child a thankful heart. (I Thessalonians 5:18)
  • Jesus, let my child see that every good gift comes down from above. (James 1:17)
  • God, I pray my child would intentionally release thankfulness to others.
  • Holy Spirit, I pray our family would be thankful in “all circumstances” – by faith, believing that You can and will work all things out for our good and for Your glory. (Romans 8:28)

As we pray, we can also put feet to our prayers by taking these practical steps to teach thankfulness to our children, grandchildren, and the other young people in our lives:

  1. Do not overindulge in “stuff” but show love in creative ways. Whenever possible, give experiences and time, instead of things.
  2. Choose at least one night per week to pray “Thank you” prayers. Rather than asking God for something, take turns thanking Him for what He has already done for the blessings of the day. Teach them to pray thank-you prayers for big and small things:
    “God, thank you for the tulips popping through in the flower bed and reminding us that spring is coming.”
    “Jesus, thank you for the baby growing in Aunt Denise’s tummy.”
    “Holy Spirit, thank you for our fun afternoon in the park.”
  3. Train a child to respond with thankfulness:
    1. Write thank you notes together with preschoolers—allowing them to add their names to the note with your help.
    2. For elementary-aged kids, encourage them to be conscientious about writing thank you notes to their teacher, coach, and/or sponsor for their soccer team.
    3. Train teenagers to write thank you notes before cashing the check from grandma and grandpa.
  4. Model thankfulness. Most character traits are more “caught than taught,” as I’ve heard Dr. James Dobson say on many occasions.
    1. Sit down together to write thank you notes after Christmas.
    2. Let them hear you intentionally thank your pastor for his teaching on Sunday morning.
    3. Thank them for big and small things when you see and hear them get it right:
      “Thank you for helping your brother.”
      “Thank you for carrying in the groceries for your grandmother.”
      “Thank you for making your bed without being asked.”
  5. When dining out, ask to speak to the manager and enjoy seeing his/her face transform from dread to delight when you say, “Our family had such a great meal this evening. Thank you for the good food and excellent service.” (On the way home, explain that people always complain when someone gets it wrong, but it’s important to express our thanks when they get it right!)

The importance of thankfulness was a thread woven through the teaching of Dr. Jonathan Burnham, my wise and godly pastor in the early nineties. Over and again, his preaching emphasized the theme of thankfulness. Even after moving out of state, that emphasis continued to resonate in my heart and be a priority in my prayers.

All these years later, I give glory to God as I see thankfulness demonstrated in the lives of my children. The thank you notes I have received from them are treasures to keep. They are tangible reminders that, while I did many things wrong, perhaps consistent training in gratitude was one thing I did right.

Whether you are praying thankfulness into your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, students, or the kids who live across the street or sit in the pew behind you – I hope you will pray. And I hope that we can all see our society truly transformed by an “attitude of gratitude.”

Our September ‘Write the WORD’ bookmark and S.O.A.P. study pages
can be found on our Downloads page. Won’t you join us in reading, writing,
and studying God’s WORD this month?

Our latest devotional video is an introduction to Nehemiah, the topic of this year’s ladies’ Bible study. We have an amazing group of women who meet weekly Laura’s hometown of Siloam Springs, Arkansas. (Those who are interested but don’t live locally are welcome to order a book and follow along online through the weekly teaching videos we post here on YouTube.)

The book of Nehemiah picks up the history of God’s people returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.

Where had they been? Why were they there? What happened to the walls?

All good questions and ones we attempt to answer in this week’s teaching lecture. We hope you will listen and then plan to join us as we study this rich Old Testament book.

You can download a copy of Lesson 1 here. If you would like to purchase a study guide so that you can study Nehemiah with us, please reach out via email to for more information.

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Sunday Soaking: Our Prayer – Coming to Christ at an Early Age

Sunday Soaking Cross My Heart Ministry

“…and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures,
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith
which is in Christ Jesus.”
II Timothy 3:15

Paul is writing to Timothy, his spiritual son. (He refers to him in I Timothy 1:2 as “my true son in the faith.”) Thanks to the faith of his mother and grandmother, Timothy knew about God and knew the Scriptures from an early age.

But, of course, God has no grandchildren. At some point, Timothy believed for himself (II Timothy 1:5). He accepted the gift of salvation that comes by grace through faith.

Like Lois and Eunice, Timothy’s mother and grandmother, we can ensure the young people around us know the Word. We can take them to church to hear the Word. We can play Christian music and buy them Christian books. But, of course, none of that will save them. They must come to sincere faith in Christ on their own.

We can do everything within our power to make sure the children in our lives know the truth—and then each must choose to bend their knee to Jesus.

Perhaps you are a woman who did not come to faith yourself until your adult years. Maybe you have adult children that have rejected your faith. Do not let the enemy rob you of peace and joy for today. Do not take on illegitimate guilt. The past is done … confess anything you need to confess, receive His forgiveness (I John 1:9) and then move on! Forgive yourself, sister friend!

Choose today to pray. Pray intentionally and unceasingly for the “children” in your sphere of influence, whether they are infants, young kids, adolescents, or adults. If there is life, there is hope. Pray and keep on praying!

Lord God Almighty, thank You for the gift of salvation! Jesus, thank You for the magnitude of Your great love demonstrated at the Cross and the unmatched strength of Your mighty power demonstrated by Your resurrection. O God, thank You for loving me enough to die for me. Let this young person in my life see that you love her and died for her, too. Convict her of sin. Draw her to yourself. Overwhelm her today with Your great love. Let today be her day of salvation!

Our Write the WORD bookmark for September is designed to coincide with the beginning of school. We hope you will download this free resource, write out each day’s verse, and then pray it over a child (or children) in your life. Please watch and listen to this week’s Friday devotional video, as Laura explains our Write the WORD study help and also demonstrates how the September bookmark is a wonderful tool to inspire prayer for the young ones in your life.

Visit our Downloads page today for your own copy of the Write the WORD bookmark, S.O.A.P. study pages, and other free resources to help you balance your heart for God with the demands of a busy life.

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Mary Heart / Martha Home: Our September ‘Do It!’ List — and a Yummy Breakfast Casserole!

In this week’s Martha Monday video, Laura introduces our September ‘Do It!’ List, one of our regular monthly downloads. This handy one-page FREE resource has sections for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and is designed to make your home more manageable. Subscribers may already be anticipating our September list, and others may be new to it, but we hope you will give it a try. You can visit our Downloads page to get yours!

Cleaning out the fridge is one of the monthly tasks on the ‘Do It!’ List, while pre-planning next week’s meals can be found on the weekly list. We love the fact that this week’s breakfast recipe lets you do both! We invite you to watch as Laura makes this new recipe for Ham, Egg, and Hashbrown Breakfast Casserole — and then try it yourself! (Visit our YouTube channel for the link to download a copy of the recipe.)

This week we’ve also published our Write the WORD bookmark for September, featuring 30 prayers and verses to pray over the kids in your life! Our September bookmark intentionally coincides with the beginning of school, and we hope you will grab this free resource from our Downloads page, write out each day’s verse, and then pray it over the little ones in your family, neighborhood, or church.

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